It was here that he met the conqueror, but in order to avoid conflict, Ni'matullah soon left and eventually settled in the Baloch region of. Spiritually transformed, he was sent out for a second round of travels this time as a realized teacher.Ni'matullah temporarily resided near, along the great Central Asian. He studied intensely with his teacher for seven years. Ni'matullah studied the writings of the great philosopher and mystic.Ni'matullah met Abdollah Yafe'i Qadri in and subsequently became his disciple.

Ni'matullah travelled widely through the world, learning the philosophies of many masters, but not finding a personal teacher he could dedicate himself to.

In.Born in, (or around Kerman, Iran according to some historians), Ni’mattullah traced his own descent from the seventh Imam, in both a poetic work as well as an epistle reproduced by his biographers ‘ and ‘.