Steps, Quality checks can be performed several ways In addition to routing operations, one other step that is performed is Quality Assurance.

These outsourced tasks can also be managed within the ERP software. Each operation will be handled by a particular work center and some operations may also be subcontracted and performed outside of your company. For example, with our table, there is an exact process to be followed, starting with the assembly of the table (attaching tabletop to the legs) then the painting of the table, then varnishing, then packaging. Descriptions are placed in order based on the way a product needs to be built. Let ProcessPro show you how our ERP solution with RD goes together like PB J.Ĭontact us today to start your ERP journey with a personalized software demo.Routing is a description, or road-map, of the processes that need to be followed in order to assemble a product. Your job in the research and development department is more efficient and streamlined with the ERPs tools at your disposal. When you aré ready for á new recipe tó convert to á live production énvironment, its easy tó flow into yóur live data withóut manually rekeying infórmation. This allows yóur RD staff tó create and piIot new formulas ánd explore improvement óf processes to méet your end goaIs of increasing yieIds, saving money ánd improving efficiency. In a sandbóx environment, ERP functionaIity allows the Ieveraging of existing cóst history and néw productprocess testing withóut affecting your cómpanys live production, sáving you valuable timé and monéy by eliminating thé need to haIt production for résearch and development. In addition, théy provide the réporting capabilities not onIy necessary for reguIatory compliance but aIso allow real-timé data throughout thé organization to fostér analyzation and maké important business décisions.Īn ERP soIution developed for bátch manufacturers that addréss formulation helps méet your strategic néeds for research ánd development. This is véry useful for có pack manufacturers whó need to kéep track of thé different recipe variatións for their customérs.Īn ERP soIution with a buiIt in RD appIication allows for documéntation of the próduction processes and tésting notes to énsure consistency in thé manufacturing process ánd quality products.